Graphology services

Note that we are not GRAPHOLOGISTS and therefore do not provide personality profiling, which with due respect to them, according to the textbooks in our science, is highly controversial and not reliable in forensic scientific handwriting identification or questioned document investigations — Beware!

Questioned Documents — Second Edition — By Albert S. Osborn.

Page 436 par. 2.

“Graphology is one of these pseudo-sciences. It undertakes to determine the varied qualities and attributes of human personality, and even of human character, from handwriting alone.If it could really do what it undertakes to do graphology would in many cases be of great assistance in determining the authenticity or the authorship of disputed handwriting”.
Page 438. par. 2.
"Discredit and ridicule are brought upon the subject of graphology by the unfailing tendency of its advocates in their practice and their books to carry their deductions to a ridiculous extreme”.

Page 438 par. 5.
“So many outside and often unknown, modifying elements and influences enter into the problem of determining from handwriting alone the various attributes of human personality, and especially the important phases of human character, that it is impossible to determine to what extent the individual is responsible for the result. This varying effects of outside and unknown influences is the fundamental defects in this method of human character or personality evaluation, as is also true of several other methods of character reading that have been thoroughly investigated by scientists & been found so completely unreliable”.
Page 441 par. 4.
“In some foreign countries the word graphologist is correctly applied interchangeably to those who attempt to read character from handwriting and to those who are students of handwriting and investigate disputed documents and testify in court as experts as to the identity of handwriting, but in America and England a sharp distinction is drawn between the two classes. A graphologist rarely if ever testifies in court in America or England, and if one who does testify believes in the subject he usually conceals the fact”.
Page 442 par. 5.

“As practiced at least, this alleged science has no value in identifying the author of a writing, and its exaggerations and unjustified inferences are likely to lead to loose thinking and weakening credulity.When the reports of practicing graphologists are more than mere generalities of wide application — which they usually are — they consist as a rule of positive inferences from ridiculously frail or misinterpreted data.
This tendency toward exaggeration no doubt partly arises from the common tendency of devotees of various half— sciences and occult subjects to become partly self— hypnotized and self— deluded”.

Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals — By Roy A. Huber and A.M. Headrick.

Page 383 par. 5.
“It is not to be assumed that practise as a graphologist or graphoanalyst is a creditable element of a writing identification examiner's qualifications owing to the risk of conflict between the vocations in studying and evaluating writing habits”.
Page 389 par. I.
“Graphology is an endeavour to correlate handwriting features with personality traits. It is not handwriting identification per se”.

Page 3 par 5.
“A graphologist identifies one's personality and behaviour whereas the document examiner identifies the writer. Specifically, the examiner systematically and scientifically examines the details of a document, and gathers facts that establishes its identity, origin, history and other pertinent data.

Graphology has a low status in our judicial system.The courts do not generally accept testimony from graphologists, and opposing attorneys often use this to discredit and disqualify any expert witness who has ever engaged in graphology”.